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Thread: aggro??

  1. #1


    i know its a newbie question but what exactly is aggro

  2. #2
    Aggro refers to a mob (aka monster) becoming "aggresive" (i.e, attacking) towards an individual. This nice abbreviation is generally used when someone who doesn't want it (e.g. doc) gets it.

  3. #3
    Aggro can also be something you want:

    When tanking on my Fixer the main concern is to keep aggro on me

  4. #4
    You might also hear people refer to a monster's "hate list".

    If you're in a team, different actions can make each player move up/down the hate list (with the top person getting aggro!) For example, some nanos have taunts associated with them that can move you up. Sitting down (for example, you don't have aggro and want to sit down to hit your nano treatment kit real quick) can also move you up in the hate list

    You can also "wipe the hate list" (erase it, and start anew with actions that come next) when you use an RK calm (iirc).

  5. #5
    You know when you don't wash the dished before your gf gets home... and she starts yelling at you?
    Thats gf aggro. Should be avoided at all costs.
    Joe "Sefus" Werkit 212/17
    Squad Commander - PR - Recruitment
    3305 Local

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Sefus View Post
    You know when you don't wash the dished before your gf gets home... and she starts yelling at you?
    Thats gf aggro. Should be avoided at all costs.
    That's one aggro i know all too well...

    Playing AO for about 3 weeks out of my 4 week vacation is like using CH in SL: guaranteed aggro...

    (The doctor nanoprogram Complete Healing creates a tonne of aggro in Shadowlands and it's hard for even an enforcer to get the agg of a doc who have used it)

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by rimbe View Post
    (The doctor nanoprogram Complete Healing creates a tonne of aggro in Shadowlands and it's hard for even an enforcer to get the agg of a doc who have used it)
    Tonne of aggro!?! Using metric systems are we, boy?


    ... yep.

    To the OP: Enforcers have a variety of tools at their disposal to generate aggro, saving weak teammates from getting squished and allowing the doctor to concentrate on one target to heal. Bureaucrats and other crowd controller professions can calm/root/snare to their desire without generating any aggro or bringing a session to a grinding halt.
    [[ RYUAHN | 220/21 Opifex Trader
    == Proud Member of Core ==
    [[ ALASTROPHE | 220/15 Solitus Martial-Artist

    Quote Originally Posted by Raggy View Post
    There is literally nothing wrong with {Shutdown Skills} in it's current incarnation. What should be being looked at is the reason why it's needed so much. E.g, the incredible amount of Alpha being thrown around and the fickleness of Evade profs.
    Quote Originally Posted by Cratertina View Post
    I walk in to BS... could not perk people... with 3704 AR and 300 AAD drain... NT facerolled me, shade instagibbed me, after a few minutes I just decided not gonna bother.

  8. #8
    Agg is actually a couple of things, as people have pointed out above.

    Pulling and agg; Read a Mobs description (Target Monster and hit T). If it says "May attack you on sight", that Mob is said to be an "Agg" mob. It will have a radius (longer in the front than in the back. It is NOT a cirlce, more of an egg, or a long elipse) of "Hate". Enter that area and you draw the Monsters Attention, and Will be attacked.

    - Agg Pulling
    - Damage Pulling

    In Agg pulling you pierce the Monsters "Personal" space, draw it's attention and then PULL it to where you want it to be. You don't hit it, you just grab "Agg" and PULL. Honestly, this is where many new people mess up (and, Suprisingly, a good many "Veterans" as well). Don't follow a puller! You are doing the same, Basic, thing they are by following them, though, in many cases you are doing it unwittingly. Allow the puller to PULL!

    Why not Hit it right off the bat?

    Not all Mobs are aggressive (agg). But, all Mobs DO defend themselves, unless they are grey to you (Many grey mobs will run if struck, SOME, such as "Sided", or factioned, Mobs, and Spirits, and Dynas, will attack you if struck). If a Mob isn't naturally aggresive to you, you will need to generate that "Hate" another way, such as hitting them.

    I once asked a friend if they knew how to pull, his response was;

    "I hit, they come, what more is there?"


    One of the Cons of damage pulling is that many, if not MOST, Mobs are social, and will "Call" for help if they are attacked, and this includes being hit by someones damage shield, which is why some pullers will use their evade specials just Prior to pulling, or use something like a snowball (which was a holiday gift, and does NO damage to the one you throw it at). This is also why people without a damage shield of any kind can make some very good pullers, in some very tight spots.

    Damage pulling carries the large risk of drawing many, many mobs down upon you. Agg pulling, on the other hand, allows the possibility of a very controlled pull. Provided the rest of the team doesn't interfer, and nothing goes wrong.

    Agg and tanking.
    As mentioned above, the TANK is the person who has "Agg". You aren't a tank if you aren't being hit, and you aren't being hit if you aren't highest on the hate list at that particular moment. Just because you are the tank, doesn't mean you will be a good one, though. So, the job of the "Tank" is to make SURE they are the most hated in the group, and, if this changes (Say an Agent gets off a particularly powerful Aimed Shot), then it is the Tanks job to grab that agg back again, ASAP.

    In general, you don't want "Squishy" targets to be the tank. You want tanks who have the tools to deal with it such as;

    - AC / HP (the two go hand in hand)
    - Evades (HIGH evades, coulpled with HIGH Add All Def)
    - AC / HP / temp Invulnerability (I'm throwing soldiers in because they CAN tank, yes, there are often many soldiers who can't, for one reason or another, but the same goes for Fixers, Enforcers and Shades as well).

    Another element is the ability to grab agg and hold it, as well as to take it back again if lost to a heavy Burst, strong Aimed Shot, or Complete Heal

    - Enforcers have Taunts
    - Shades, and the others have damage (and some have minor taunts as well, but still rely on damage)

    Taunting is One VERY good way of generating "AGG", or Hate. Early on Forcer have Mongos (look Mongo up on, and this is often good enough. Later on an Enforcer will invest in Perks which Taunt, Procs which Taunt, and items which Taunt. They have More taunts than any other class, and have the ability to "Stack" mobs when neccesary.

    Damage is pretty much self-explanatory; Hit a Mob and the more damage you do to it, the more of a threat you are, and the more the mob will "Hate" you. Shades are pretty much the Kings and Queens of Damage. There are times when a shade will Outdamage their entire team. And, by this, I don't mean they will do MORE damage than anyone else, I mean they will do MORE damage than the rest of the team... combined. That's some sick damage, and it's a good way to rise to the top of a Hate list (ask Forcers! they pretty much hate us to!)

    Healing is another way to draw "Agg". The Complete Heal is one of the heaviest, single Taunts in the Shadowlands. The upper Mongo is a 10K taunt, and won't make a DENT in the hate list of a creature fixed on a Doc who just cast a complete Heal, BUT! Hate builds. If a Forcer is taunting regularly (With Procs, Perks, Items, and SOME Mongos), then they will have built a good deal of Hate, and it will take a good deal less to draw agg from a CHing Doc, but, if they are starting cold... forget it.

    Same with Shades. I dinged 200 on my Shade in Adonis, fighting hecks. I was in a group with two Docs, and One other player. One Doctor had expressed a desire to "Die" in order to keep from dinging, and so end his night with a Pool. Towards the end of one of our last fights, he decided to CH and die that way. Didn't happen! There was enough Hate built up from all my shades damage that he only took a couple, few, hits, before I got it back (Back Stab FTW!). Next fight he DoTed himself and THEN CH'd!

    So, Agg is VERY important to AO, core element, if you would.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Tiimmy View Post
    Agg is actually a couple of things, as people have pointed out above.

    Pulling and agg; Read a Mobs description (Target Monster and hit T). If it says "May attack you on sight", that Mob is said to be an "Agg" mob. It will have a radius (longer in the front than in the back. It is NOT a cirlce, more of an egg, or a long elipse) of "Hate". Enter that area and you draw the Monsters Attention, and Will be attacked.

    - Agg Pulling
    - Damage Pulling

    In Agg pulling you pierce the Monsters "Personal" space, draw it's attention and then PULL it to where you want it to be. You don't hit it, you just grab "Agg" and PULL. Honestly, this is where many new people mess up (and, Suprisingly, a good many "Veterans" as well). Don't follow a puller! You are doing the same, Basic, thing they are by following them, though, in many cases you are doing it unwittingly. Allow the puller to PULL!

    Why not Hit it right off the bat?

    Not all Mobs are aggressive (agg). But, all Mobs DO defend themselves, unless they are grey to you (Many grey mobs will run if struck, SOME, such as "Sided", or factioned, Mobs, and Spirits, and Dynas, will attack you if struck). If a Mob isn't naturally aggresive to you, you will need to generate that "Hate" another way, such as hitting them.

    I once asked a friend if they knew how to pull, his response was;

    "I hit, they come, what more is there?"


    One of the Cons of damage pulling is that many, if not MOST, Mobs are social, and will "Call" for help if they are attacked, and this includes being hit by someones damage shield, which is why some pullers will use their evade specials just Prior to pulling, or use something like a snowball (which was a holiday gift, and does NO damage to the one you throw it at). This is also why people without a damage shield of any kind can make some very good pullers, in some very tight spots.

    Damage pulling carries the large risk of drawing many, many mobs down upon you. Agg pulling, on the other hand, allows the possibility of a very controlled pull. Provided the rest of the team doesn't interfer, and nothing goes wrong.

    Agg and tanking.
    As mentioned above, the TANK is the person who has "Agg". You aren't a tank if you aren't being hit, and you aren't being hit if you aren't highest on the hate list at that particular moment. Just because you are the tank, doesn't mean you will be a good one, though. So, the job of the "Tank" is to make SURE they are the most hated in the group, and, if this changes (Say an Agent gets off a particularly powerful Aimed Shot), then it is the Tanks job to grab that agg back again, ASAP.

    In general, you don't want "Squishy" targets to be the tank. You want tanks who have the tools to deal with it such as;

    - AC / HP (the two go hand in hand)
    - Evades (HIGH evades, coulpled with HIGH Add All Def)
    - AC / HP / temp Invulnerability (I'm throwing soldiers in because they CAN tank, yes, there are often many soldiers who can't, for one reason or another, but the same goes for Fixers, Enforcers and Shades as well).

    Another element is the ability to grab agg and hold it, as well as to take it back again if lost to a heavy Burst, strong Aimed Shot, or Complete Heal

    - Enforcers have Taunts
    - Shades, and the others have damage (and some have minor taunts as well, but still rely on damage)

    Taunting is One VERY good way of generating "AGG", or Hate. Early on Forcer have Mongos (look Mongo up on, and this is often good enough. Later on an Enforcer will invest in Perks which Taunt, Procs which Taunt, and items which Taunt. They have More taunts than any other class, and have the ability to "Stack" mobs when neccesary.

    Damage is pretty much self-explanatory; Hit a Mob and the more damage you do to it, the more of a threat you are, and the more the mob will "Hate" you. Shades are pretty much the Kings and Queens of Damage. There are times when a shade will Outdamage their entire team. And, by this, I don't mean they will do MORE damage than anyone else, I mean they will do MORE damage than the rest of the team... combined. That's some sick damage, and it's a good way to rise to the top of a Hate list (ask Forcers! they pretty much hate us to!)

    Healing is another way to draw "Agg". The Complete Heal is one of the heaviest, single Taunts in the Shadowlands. The upper Mongo is a 10K taunt, and won't make a DENT in the hate list of a creature fixed on a Doc who just cast a complete Heal, BUT! Hate builds. If a Forcer is taunting regularly (With Procs, Perks, Items, and SOME Mongos), then they will have built a good deal of Hate, and it will take a good deal less to draw agg from a CHing Doc, but, if they are starting cold... forget it.

    Same with Shades. I dinged 200 on my Shade in Adonis, fighting hecks. I was in a group with two Docs, and One other player. One Doctor had expressed a desire to "Die" in order to keep from dinging, and so end his night with a Pool. Towards the end of one of our last fights, he decided to CH and die that way. Didn't happen! There was enough Hate built up from all my shades damage that he only took a couple, few, hits, before I got it back (Back Stab FTW!). Next fight he DoTed himself and THEN CH'd!

    So, Agg is VERY important to AO, core element, if you would.
    Couldn't have said it better ^^

    Lots of letters! Me likey!

  10. #10
    hahaha i know that one very well too. but my gf yells at me all the time

  11. #11

  12. #12
    err, actually Sky, you DID say most of that, I was just listening, and ended it up writing it down, so there :P

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Tiimmy View Post
    err, actually Sky, you DID say most of that, I was just listening, and ended it up writing it down, so there :P
    Oh, you mean people actually listen to what I say? Not even I bother to make any sense of what I say

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by skybert View Post
    Oh, you mean people actually listen to what I say?

    Whaaat...did you actually say something?

    220 Dictator & Adept
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    --Total Levels Gained--
    Rubi-Ka: 2000+ | Shadow: 50+ | Alien: 40+ | Very old Member of the Grumpy Old Crat Bunch

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Nova View Post
    Whaaat...did you actually say something?
    I don't know. I wasn't paying attention.

  16. #16
    :P hehe (Sing us a song, while you putter around then )

  17. #17

    His siggy says it all

    I'm a tank. If you see me running, try to keep up!
    Carogelw 216/18 Soljah!
    Proud General of (AoD) Anarchists of Destruction
    (AoD) spreading the path of destruction for over 3 years

    We are recruting!

  18. #18
    Does the agg/def slider affect how much aggro you're generating, or only weapon speed and evades?

    I realize that it can affect your damage output through weapon speed, and therefore affect aggro, but if you're 1/1 at FullDef, do you generate less aggro than if you're 1/1 at FullAgg?

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Zeph View Post
    Does the agg/def slider affect how much aggro you're generating, or only weapon speed and evades?

    I realize that it can affect your damage output through weapon speed, and therefore affect aggro, but if you're 1/1 at FullDef, do you generate less aggro than if you're 1/1 at FullAgg?

    Agg/def slider does not affect the amount of taunt per damage.
    1 damage = 1 taunt, nomatter what agg-bar setting you're at.

    There was a time, where the aggbar setting decided wether or not your character would autoattack when hit, but that's a long time ago, and there's a seperate setting for that in the F10-menu for that now.

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by Zeph View Post
    Does the agg/def slider affect how much aggro you're generating, or only weapon speed and evades?

    I realize that it can affect your damage output through weapon speed, and therefore affect aggro, but if you're 1/1 at FullDef, do you generate less aggro than if you're 1/1 at FullAgg?
    Not directly.

    Logically, as you hit faster, you whack the mob more, he gets angrier faster, end of story
    [[ RYUAHN | 220/21 Opifex Trader
    == Proud Member of Core ==
    [[ ALASTROPHE | 220/15 Solitus Martial-Artist

    Quote Originally Posted by Raggy View Post
    There is literally nothing wrong with {Shutdown Skills} in it's current incarnation. What should be being looked at is the reason why it's needed so much. E.g, the incredible amount of Alpha being thrown around and the fickleness of Evade profs.
    Quote Originally Posted by Cratertina View Post
    I walk in to BS... could not perk people... with 3704 AR and 300 AAD drain... NT facerolled me, shade instagibbed me, after a few minutes I just decided not gonna bother.

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