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Thread: Perk Reset timers

  1. #1

    Perk Reset timers

    Another totally irritating aspect of the game is Perk reset timers. Waiting 1 or 2 months for a full perk reset to be able to wear a symb that gives a couple of additional points is just totally insane.

    I understand that to avoid misuse of Perk resets a timer is necessary...but 24 hours makes it impossible to play. I'm to the point that I'm thinking of playing a different game while waiting...danger is ..I might lose interest of AO if I do that. In other words, don't let us lose momentum..reduce the timers and let us play this game.

    Thanks for listening,

  2. #2
    I already did my full perk reset when I hit 220 and it was real pain.
    I understand that there should be some restrictions to stop ppl from doing it every few days but at some stages it is vital to be able to do it without wasting few months.

    What I would suggest is to implement FPR (full perk reset) points (like IPR)
    Every character should start with 3 PR points. Then you could earn 1 adidtional PR when you ding:
    That would give a maximum total of 7 FPR which should be just OK.
    Awikun 220/70/30 Ranged adv - my Main that I hardly ever log
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    Awiken 220/70/30 Eng - Pvm Eng
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    Awix 200/70/30 Fix - 200 fun pvp twink
    Awienf 220/70/30 Enf - tanked every single boss (and still lives)
    Soldawi 220/70/30 Sol - Pvm Sold
    Awima 150/xx/xx Ma - best S10 MA farmer
    Doctorawi 220/70/30 - Pvm Doc
    Awienfo 200/70/30 - Atrox with Pande red belt and 2xQL300 hammers
    Macierewicz 220/70/30 - Pvm Crat
    Zlakobieta 220/70/30 - max complit +top tradeskiller

  3. #3
    the point of perk resets is so you cant swap around perks all the time that would eb too good what what about 1 reset every hour? that seems balanced to me

  4. #4
    I couldnt agree more, today, i finaly perked my fianl twink perk so i could get my best symbs in, and it took just a biy over a month, now its time to un-gimp, and get back into a 'real' perk setup, and having to wait 2 months just for installing a few symbs, thats sick imho, change it either to 24h for a whole perkline, or 1h/perk
    Gender 'Blackdog' Bender 220/26 Soldier
    Den 'Beskyddaren' Utvalde
    220/18 Keeper
    Kane 'Blacrat' Lives 218/15 Bureaucrat
    Bleeding 'Rofflewaffle' Screaming 180/13 Shade
    Den 'Tempelherren' Trofaste 165/19Fixer

    My AO vids:
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  5. #5
    I was about to post a new thread, but saw this thread about making perkresets faster. I totally suggest there should be another way to reperk your character, without having to wait for 2-3 months before being able to play again.

    Here is my suggestion : I suggest it should be possible to buy a perkreset in adition to wait 24 hour. Each perk should cost 10 mill to reset, and 50 mill for the whole line (if it's 10 in a line). Not only would it solve the waiting, but also add a credit sink, which is highly needed anyway.
    Elet Setup Perks 220/27 Adv
    Dingmaster 220/19 Crat
    Rrfeplz 220/19 Soldier

  6. #6
    Full perkline reset for 24 hours is what I have been wanting. Sounds fair and a lot better then 24 hours a single perk "thats just crazy". What dose FC think about this? I know people brought this up before and FC never stated there opinion on it. To reset 1 perkline and back again would take 48 hours, thats still time consuming but not like the annoying pain it is now.

  7. #7
    a couple of years ago it was 72 hour between each perkreset, so atleast, FC, is moving in the right direction
    Elet Setup Perks 220/27 Adv
    Dingmaster 220/19 Crat
    Rrfeplz 220/19 Soldier

  8. #8
    Hehe, they wont change it. You sitting in perkrest== FC making money. Simple business.

  9. #9
    Hmm, dont think ppl will start doing 2-3 months reperk on a second character. 1 is oke, but not a second time.

    They should find a balance bewteen earning money and keep cusomers happy. 1 hour reperk is a little bit to short. But the idea of earning a whole reset perk at some lvls is a very nice idea.

  10. #10
    Hmm, what does this do...
    Quote Originally Posted by Agt View Post
    Hehe, they wont change it. You sitting in perkrest== FC making money. Simple business.
    Yeah but if people start playing other games while waiting, and then find those games to be more fun than grinding away time in AO alltogether and leave (aka stop paying), that's bad for business. So you can argue for it being both good and bad for business. Also, making this easier will make many people happier, and thus more inclined to overlook\put up with other faults in the game. And content players keep playing more reliably than disgruntled ones.

    I like Awi's idea, with giving poeple a few full perk reset points. If you're only ever going to get, say 3-5 of these, it won't be open to abuse, same as with the skill RP being limited and thus something you save.

  11. #11
    They already reduced it from 72h to 24h after a horrible messy patch cycle in december 2004, IIRC (and I still believe it was meant as candy to calm the angry mob), so I dont see this happen. It's annoying yes, but there has to be a line drawn between one-click-get-it-all games and AO. It's the same story with IPRs.

  12. #12
    Never understood why quicker perking was a bad thing. I can understand not being able to completely reperk during a fight, but what is the harm in 1 perk per hour? Maybe limit the faster perks to 220 only since there isnt much content for them this will give them something to do and experiment with their toon rather than park it.

    If you want to try an smg enf, why not? Shouldnt be penalized 2 months playtime for wanting to try something different.

    Would also make pvp more challenging as the guy you beat yesterday could be completely different today.

  13. #13
    Last edited by Picsel; Oct 22nd, 2006 at 16:55:49.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by lugoman View Post
    Maybe limit the faster perks to 220 only since there isnt much content for them this will give them something to do and experiment with their toon rather than park it.
    granted, the end-game content may suck, but this is BS. give the fast reset only to 220 people? either you do it for everyone at all levels or you don't. i hope ppl won't come up and suggest trox advy only.
    Oltcit - 220/24/69 troxie enf -= Proud General of Deadly Whispers =- RK1
    Roflcopterz - 220/20/60 troxie nubstick wielder

  15. #15
    Another option: 1 ai perk + 1 sl perk / day
    But i like the 1 perk/hour idea the most. What happens now is that most people are completely gimp while levelling because they don't take the time to get better equipment on. The ones that reach 220 probably play an alt or leech raids while perk reseting. But, whats the use, they will do both these things anyway, so in the end everyone will do his full perk reset, the only difference is with 1 perk/hour people wouldnt only ungimp at end game but also during levelling. Why would they do a full perk reset (taking a few months) every 5 levels when they can do 10 levels in a week.

  16. #16
    I'd like to see a perk reset pool build up. If you don't reset a perk for X days, a perk reset goes into your pool. If you continue to not reset perks, your pool builds up until you reset a perk. The advantage is...players don't have to loose a day (or mutiple days) in the process if they don't log in every 24 hours. Maybe give it 5-10 days with no resets before the pool starts building again.
    Glarawyn L220 OT Adventurer
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    Lilredhot L220 OT Enforcer
    Don't mind me, I tank without a helmet.
    Gunslinger19 L150 OT Soldier
    There's a word for people who think everyone's out to get them: perceptive.

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Glarawyn View Post
    I'd like to see a perk reset pool build up. If you don't reset a perk for X days, a perk reset goes into your pool. If you continue to not reset perks, your pool builds up until you reset a perk. The advantage is...players don't have to loose a day (or mutiple days) in the process if they don't log in every 24 hours. Maybe give it 5-10 days with no resets before the pool starts building again.
    I really like your idea here...bump for that

  18. #18
    On test you can buy a full perk reset for 10 bugsy points.

    WTB full perk reset on live either as quest reward (pande garden key/warp totem?) or for creds.
    You can't spell slaughter without laughter.

    Rookie Gank "Wilsonat" Me 220/22/36 adv GODMODE AND NAKED.

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Agt View Post
    Hehe, they wont change it. You sitting in perkrest== FC making money. Simple business.
    Simple BAD business.

    I really dont see the harm in a 1 hour perk resest, or even 1/2 hour, or 10 mins for that matter. None of those scenerios would allow anyone to change their setup during a fight, and that is the only reason I can see for having a perk timer in the first place.

    I would like someone from FC to give us one good example of why a faster(much faster) perk reset could be a problem. If you cannot think of any good reasons then make this change.

    Like I have already said, I cant see the problem in being able to change your setup over the course of a weekend, or even a long day, to try different things, how can that be bad? Are they afraid we will have TOO much fun?

    Really FC, this is a game change that should be VERY simple to impliment and will make alot of people VERY happy. With all the requests for this, I dont understand why you drag your feet on this issue. I just can't wrap my brain around how you have looked at this issue(you have looked I assume) for more then 5 minutes without reaching a decision, walking to the coders and telling them to change the perk timer. It just can't be that difficult. If your sole modivation is just to keep people in game longer to milk them of their money, then your just sick, but it's starting to look that way due to your inaction on this issue.
    why Why WHY ?!?!?!

  20. #20
    Why not make a perk reset room, in which you can reset perks a lot faster, this way you cant exploit it by changing perks in a fight or during pvp

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