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Thread: Waypoints and Other Map Stuff

  1. #1

    Waypoints and Other Map Stuff


    I’m pretty sure this has been suggested in the past, but hey, I was thinking about it and might as well post it again. Waypoints would be very useful, for someone doing hecklers finding where their team is, or a newbie remembering where shops, whom-pahs, or other key locations are, or just if you find some nifty spot while roaming around. It would work exactly like mission waypoints do now; you would get a dot on your compass (this one red), a little X on your mini-map, and a marker on the world map. Waypoints should probably be stored client-side, and there shouldn’t be any limit on how many you can update. The world map should get a little W button on the bottom to center it on the waypoint that is currently uploaded.

    Shift+W would be the command to open the Waypoint Interface, and this would list all your stored waypoints, with columns for the name of the waypoint, weather its in Shadowlands or on Rubi-Ka, what zone it’s in, and its coordinates. Double-clicking a waypoint in the list would upload it to the map, or you could select it and click the “upload to map” button. There would be two buttons to create waypoints, one for your current location, which would open a window with a text box to put in the name of the waypoint, and a button to create a waypoint somewhere else. This would open a window with a text field to name waypoint, a dropdown menu to select Rubi-Ka or Shadowlands, another dropdown menu to select the zone, and two text fields for X and Y coordinates. Also in the Waypoint Interface would be a button to send the waypoint to someone else, with a text box opening to enter the name of the recipient. Waypoints received by others would be separate from the other waypoints until you “accept” them (maybe in the same way the friends list is separated.)

    There should also be chat commands for the waypoints:

    /open waypoint – Opens the Waypoint Interface.

    /waypoint create “waypoint name” – Creates a waypoint of your current location.

    /waypoint create “waypoint name” > “zone” > “X-coords” “Y-coords” – Would create “waypoint name” in “zone” at “X-coords”, “Y-coords”.

    /waypoint upload “waypoint name” – Uploads the named waypoint to your map.

    /waypoint delete “waypoint name” – Deletes named waypoint.

    /waypoint send “character name” – Would send a waypoint’s information to the named character.

    Also, add an option to the hold-right-button menu inside the team menu, “Upload Waypoint Information”.

    Other Map Stuff

    1. GMS shop waypoints would get their own category in the Waypoint Interface (getting the item’s name as the waypoint name.) Multiple shops could be uploaded, and that waypoint will stay uploaded until the item is removed from that shop.

    2. When you enter the same zone as the market you’re traveling to, you should get a green marker on your compass showing which direction it’s in, and an X on the mini-map for the door of the market. When inside the market, you’ll get a marker for that specific booth, and an X on the mini-map for it.

    3. I think maps in alien ships would be a good idea.

    4. Some sort of dot on the map to show the location of the elevator inside a mission/ship. Could be classified under the machine map upgrade.

    5. The option to filter out various things from your map (assuming you have the map upgrades to see them. Like being able to filter out banks, or shops if you have the machines upgrade, or being able to filter out clanners if you have the side upgrade. Oh, and it would be nice to be able to filter out those annoying circles around towers, I like having the green up so I know where the borders are, but the stupid circles make it impossible to see if anyone is around.

    6. Did I mention maps in alien ships?

    7. Put in a coordinates display, stuck up against the bottom of the compass.

    8. Mark suppression gas changes on the map with bright red lines with the gas level marked on either side. Make this filter-out-able, and put in a new map upgrade item for it.

    9. Full maps in alien ships! Full maps in alien ships! Full maps in alien ships!

    10. Put the zone name in a corner of the mini-map, like the name of a tower field appears now if you have info turned on. Have this be filter-out-able, and turned off by default.

    11. Let fr00bs be able to turn on tower info in their mini-map. It wouldn’t hurt any to let them see how big a plot is, or if they’re within range of a tower, especially since they’re allowed to attack (or be attacked by) towers.

    12. Maps inside the alien ships would be great.
    Feurix 220/22 Enforcer :: Naphalus 131/16 Engineer :: Geruka xxx/xx Soldier

    General of Asgard.

    [Team] Galdethi: "Feurix is tanking? ok sure *runs to save* yeah ill brt!"

  2. #2
    Bump for this.

    Oh right, and maps in alien ships would be nice now that we're discussing maps.
    Moonleg, 220 Adventurer and never levelling again!
    Fixored, 167 gridrunner
    Lunarblade, 94 honorable keeper.
    Lavan, 115 pretty-boy doctor that needs more levels.
    Moonatic, 117 tinkerer of gizmos.
    Fortehwin, 211 shadow-creeper. With glowsticks.
    Ammoonium, 108 NT gimpz0r.
    Dingbot, 100 XP-stick.
    Runalot,169 freexer.
    Horsehumper, 36 hor ... I mean, fist-fighter.
    Debuff, 46 wrangle-giver.

  3. #3
    devently a bump for this this is an over locked part of ao and if it was implemented it would truely kick some ass
    ...(220/23) Opifex Shade

    Shade Professional
    Wish List
    Bug list

  4. #4
    very "swg"ish, i like it.
    Cratdor - Crat for hire
    Omniteksnipe - RP Char
    Ruzan - Soli Enforcer

  5. #5
    yes would be great to make a mark on map somewhere
    find button in mish, mark it, clr mish, find it easy

    and ai ship pf map. oh yesh!
    we got map where we see dots but where is walls!
    maybe with LE we will develope a new ai tool to view there technology of walls better

  6. #6
    bump for some good ideas

  7. #7
    i always think about missing waypoints in AO every time i fly in my ylm on RK...

    /bump !!!

  8. #8
    New map option: Add list of recent tower wars to side of map and make them clickable which would put mark on to planet map so you could locate those wars more easilly. List could consist of 5 most recent tower wars.
    [220/30/70] Fixer, [199/24] Shade, [150/20] Trader, [150/19] Crat, [136] Fixer, [71/6]Agent, [60/6]Enforcer + bunch of other alts

  9. #9

    The lack of waypoints in AO is a serious drawback. This stuff should be easy to implement and probably should have been added a long time ago, IMO. This would make life so much easier when trying to meet up with a team for a raid or to find a lost friend.

  10. #10
    You forgot the maps on the alien ships, though...
    Marcos "Sisyphos" Bacarella - lvl 220 Enforcer 2HB *slam* *hack*
    Prof. Steven "Techleet" Falken - lvl 220 Engineer *solder* *screw* *BOOM*
    and the cuddly leet family -=(DNW miss yoo!)=-
    Through the ranks of the Unbeliever we shall move, creating a river of blood as we go.

  11. #11
    oh sweet idea!!

    Joe "Sefus" Werkit 212/17
    Squad Commander - PR - Recruitment
    3305 Local

  12. #12
    Yeah... i WANT maps upgrade to put waypoints on map...

    no much complicated, just a "click in the planet map, put a waypoint where you clicked.
    even "just one waypoint at time" is sufficient, but f course more wps are better

    And for Alien ship maps... i don't kno wbut maybe is useful?
    Laerys Thiarsas aka Laerthia,
    Unit Member of Remedy/Serenity
    «There's no place i can be
    since i found Serenity»

    (from Firefly main theme)

    aka Dottor Divago on Real World
    aka Futuros, the Great Captain
    aka Laerkeep, my shopKeeper
    (\ /)
    (> <)
    Help Bunny dominate Rubi-Ka: copy them in your signature!

  13. #13
    bump man! jeez!
    Joe "Sefus" Werkit 212/17
    Squad Commander - PR - Recruitment
    3305 Local

  14. #14

  15. #15
    Bump this idea again
    Guyas Niklos, Adventurer
    Stormer, Fixer
    Shattered Dreams

  16. #16
    waypoint m8ayte
    Founder of Paradise

    Quote Originally Posted by Malice42 - Revelator
    Hey chieft you r0xx0r - Chieft is da man for sure.

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