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Thread: BS re warp to spawn

  1. #21
    @ Terabite

    Imo nano cast intis has nuttin to do with TL5 BS as on low level BS decon giefs u max nano inits to start with or u wouldnt cast nada before getting kicked. Its purelly recharge question tested on enf now too same goes for any high recharge nano so is purelly something to do with that since tested on 4 toons altogether now...
    Blessedone(220/30 enforcer General of Jack's Violent Crew)
    Kissnrun(220/22 shade SC of Jack's Violent Crew)
    Runalong(150/10 NT President of Troy) hexx pulminaser
    Iwillhuntyou(currently 165/22 advy in progress Squad commander of Jack's Violent Crew)
    and many many others........

  2. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by Silirrion View Post
    list your inits and what buffs you are running as well as your profession and level and we can certainly try.
    Well aware but that was asked for.

  3. #23
    I think I got it figured out.

    We all know it's about the decon room nano. Well I watched when it refreshes. If you are using nano to the very end. However the nano doens't last the full 30 secs your in there. So if your not at full hp and nano when the nano ends it refreshes.

    So to stop this you can just make sure your hp and nano are full when it's time for you to bet booted out of the room. Then the nano won't refresh and warp you back.

    As far as a fix for this the nano could just be made to last the entire time your at the decon room and then boot you out. Don't have it refresh.

  4. #24
    Well, what terabite mentions I think also may effect my agent when leaving buff room. He casts roughly 18 nanos. I usually try to stop just before I warp in, otherwise I will be caught in a almost unendable cast. Constant cast that litterally lasts for minutes. Even doing this, I still have to wait a couple of seconds after the warp to prevent this as well. And, or I will also recieve "Can not execute while falling". I found getting out of these loops is obvious, by simply jumping around to cancel the nano cast. Sitting does not stop it. And just imagine, while doing all of this I get 50 requests for OBs!

    But in most cases, I am stand around casting nanos after buff room. And maybe share some buffs with pals, the warp almost never happens. I am wondering if it's a time issue?
    Last edited by Fuggy; Apr 16th, 2008 at 06:02:13. Reason: spellcheck ftw
    Aborted "Provision" Lovechild - 220/30/70 - Shade

  5. #25
    and how long has this been going on now ? TOO LONG !!!
    sort it out FC, i see your still charging for premium content that doesnt "work as intended".
    and while your at it, fix the dam "enfos being stuck in a warp loop", which has been ingame since the launch of LE, and shows no sign of being resolved.
    Freedom gives me the right to speak my mind,
    Freedom gives you the right to ignore it.

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