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Thread: Raid interface & extracted HP+nano bars

  1. #1

    Raid interface & extracted HP+nano bars

    Pulling out people from the raid interface is a nice feature. However, the pulled out "widget" is assigned to the specific raid slot, not the actual player taking part in the raid. As soon as players are moved around in teams, these "widgets" may not show the correct player anymore, making them in certain raids completely useless. As a doc who likes to have some key players (tank, other docs, debuffers, warpers, etc.) directly visible this can become a headache in certain raids. Having these pulled out "widgets" assigned to the player and not the raid slot would be awesome!

  2. #2
    Thornee - resurrected lowbie, former 200 Fixer
    Stannerd - 220 Soldier
    Megusta - TL7 Doc
    Kaleeh - TL5 Shade

  3. #3
    I fully support this.
    The mark of a truly superior player is the use of his superior judgement to avoid situations requiring the use of his superior skill.
    Jensenberg - Crat | Equip |
    WeylanYutani - Enf | Equip |

  4. #4
    better, but then what will you do in a completely different raid group? The previous names wont be available, so will you just be expected to put everyones HP bars up everytime you raid? could be more of a hassle to some people than simply moving one or a few hp bar a few times.
    Lilkueg 220/26/6x Opifex Shade
    Kuegen 211/11 Atrox Enforcer
    And Many More!

  5. #5
    you mean you don't have EVERYONE'S bars on your screen? back when i doc'd big raids i'd have everyone's hp bar up grouped by team

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Lazy View Post
    back when i doc'd big raids i'd have everyone's hp bar up grouped by team
    This pretty much, I always have everyone's bar's up sorted by team so it doesn't really matter the order as everyone important is probably in team 1 anyways.
    Dagger 220/30/70 Shade // Attempted 219/24/?? Enforcer // Canidae 180/0/0 Adventurer // World 185/26/32 Meta-Physicist// Cramp 150/20/35 Engineer
    Ya wanna fix something - give RK mobs better xp, make RK matter again.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mamman View Post
    Give shades love or we will stop buffing people!!

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Lazy View Post
    you mean you don't have EVERYONE'S bars on your screen? back when i doc'd big raids i'd have everyone's hp bar up grouped by team
    I try to, but in bigger raids with 4+ teams the screen starts to get cluttered. Thing is, that I want some key players in a raid close to my team window, whereas everyone else is moved to another part of my screen. As soon as someone is moved from one team to another, I may have to redo my setup, which is pretty much impossible once the raid has started and I'm busy with other things. Maybe sorting them by team is a good idea for an interim solution, but a player related assignment would be way more helpful.

  8. #8
    In Eve-Online you can put players from your current fleet (which might be quite huge and is comparable to a raid group) to a watch list. This list might hold up to 12 (?) peeps and shows hp etc. The window itself can be moved around.
    Maybe something like this in AO?

    Krissy Krisdoc Machtgesund (LVL220/21 Doc)
    Lussam (LVL150 Enfo - Sector10 tank )
    Yeah "Mixit" Baby - Grenade-Engineer
    Prince "Cratbureau" Charming

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