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Thread: Bounty Hunter style missions

  1. #1

    Bounty Hunter style missions

    Someone posted recently about changes that could be made to make surviving AO more challenging or add a touch of risk to players game time. In this suggestion they mentioned a NPC that could flag you.

    I liked this idea and would like to suggest an extension of it, a kind of bounty hunter thing.

    From the agencies Elite mission NPC you could be able to start a 'Man on the Run' mission. This mission would give you a 20 hour 'tower style' flag. The objective for the player is to stay alive for the duration of the flag. The reward, two of the Large EXP tokens and 20 mill in creds, 1 mill for each hour you survived.

    To counter act those on 'Man on the Run' missions players would be able to pull, from the 'PvP' NPC in Borealis, a 'Man Hunt' mission. Ideally this could be a over view of all the players currently on 'Man on the Run' missions and would list their current location (zone/building). You'd be able to select a potential target from the list and would then get update's on that players general location/movements. The reward here would be a tenth of a level in exp, 5mill creds and 1k VP should you be successfull in taking down your target.

    There are some obvious problems but I think you could do some fun things like have a 'tag' on players with the Man on the Run' mission that periodically shouts something in vicinity, indicating that the player has the mission and alerting potential attackers to their location. Maybe a 'Come and get me' or '<Player> has x hours to go'.

  2. #2
    I smell possible farming and collusion. Can't put my finger on it right now though.

  3. #3
    Ofc, Farming and collusion would be the obvious problems mentioned.

    Ways round that?

    Lock out timers on 'Man on the Run' missions, reduced rewards for killing a Player in the same faction, inability to hunt org mates.

    Your right though, anything like this some douche somewhere would find a way to exploit it, shame.

  4. #4
    The targets would all be fixers who would meep instantly.
    Hailing from Kirkland Washington
    Enfraam 217/21 NT
    10,000 levels

  5. #5
    Or any other prof...just stay in yalm in high sky with auto run and make circles while you sleep

  6. #6
    Make the reward VP not creds, have the player with the mish have to Check-in to an NPC on a regular occasion like every 2hrs online with the mish.

    Mish timer only counts down while online.

    I like...... would have people camping NPC for possible targets however & could be outnumbered easily but thats the risk involved.

    Sounds fun

  7. #7
    You could make it so the timer stops when your in a yalm or in any kind of instance where other's can't get to you.

    So that would include randomly generated mission, instances like DB, collector, iPande. I'd even stretch that to zone that have portls like normal Pande.

    As for the farming bit you could make it so that to pull a 'Man on the Run' mission, you have to put give x amount of Creds. If you had to put up say, 10 mill to pull the mission (which you got back on mission complete, together with 20mill reward) it would deter people using the mission for farm purposes, as they'd be losing 5mill each time.

    The comment about fixers meeping. Yeah, but thats a benefit of their tool set. You'd need to be cleaver if you wanted to take a good fixer down, maybe call in some team mates. Each profession should have positives and negatives.

  8. #8
    I like the idea a lot, but like mentioned before, there's someone out there who's going to find a way to exploit/farm it. I.E. running into your apartment and sitting there the whole time.

  9. #9
    People who are hard to catch should give higher and higher reward, and therefore get more and more people after them for every time they do it. Like becoming a top ten most wanted guy. Sooner or later they get caught, and then they should lose something for it.

  10. #10
    sounds fun to me, il grab the flag on fix .. and meep from one location to other until i fall asleep ... catch me if you can!

  11. #11
    What if they can't zone?

    Otherwise, this presents A TON of problems.
    [[ RYUAHN | 220/21 Opifex Trader
    == Proud Member of Core ==
    [[ ALASTROPHE | 220/15 Solitus Martial-Artist

    Quote Originally Posted by Raggy View Post
    There is literally nothing wrong with {Shutdown Skills} in it's current incarnation. What should be being looked at is the reason why it's needed so much. E.g, the incredible amount of Alpha being thrown around and the fickleness of Evade profs.
    Quote Originally Posted by Cratertina View Post
    I walk in to BS... could not perk people... with 3704 AR and 300 AAD drain... NT facerolled me, shade instagibbed me, after a few minutes I just decided not gonna bother.

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