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Thread: Tying up lose ends.. AO past, present, future..

  1. #141

  2. #142
    Quote Originally Posted by Means View Post
    Instanced Cities:

    Macrosun has taken it upon himself to create the instanced cities that have been long requested by the player base. This will be difficult...but he feels he is making good progress. The instanced nature of these playfields will make it impossible to have player owned shops...but the city bonuses and alien attacks should now be available to everyone. This is a long way from completion but at least work has begun on this issue that has been with us for a long time. "Normal" cities will still retain value due to their size and their player shops...but more AI content will now be available to all. I'm hoping we can also grant fr00b access to the org HQ's at the same time.
    Coming soon! Rawr!!

  3. #143
    Quote Originally Posted by Perfekt View Post
    HEALTH WARNING: This reply was made on equipment that also produces sarcasm. Reply may contain bits of sarcasm as a result.
    Go go Godzilla! (Please)
    Please give us solo LE missions, FC
    Xaun's Big List O Suggestions

  4. #144
    Random bump because so many things from this topic are either already in game or coming soon.

  5. #145
    Bump for all the excellent things in this posting....

  6. #146
    Quote Originally Posted by Keriana View Post
    Bump for all the excellent things in this posting....
    Quote Originally Posted by Perfekt View Post
    HEALTH WARNING: This reply was made on equipment that also produces sarcasm. Reply may contain bits of sarcasm as a result.
    Go go Godzilla! (Please)
    Please give us solo LE missions, FC
    Xaun's Big List O Suggestions

  7. #147
    Quote Originally Posted by Callmeburma View Post

  8. #148
    Didn't know where else to put it, doesn't warrant a new thread, but don't want it to vanish in to old patch note history so hope you don't mind Xaun.

    Quote Originally Posted by Aethyrguard View Post
    Very good points in this thread. I disagree on newbie island tho. I hate it. Worst intro to a sci-fi game ever.

    Fully revised Post:

    Starting at post character creation arrival to RK -
    The three sides:

    Starting point: Omni-tek Facility

    Designation: New Employee - Corporate Orientation.

    Localization Description: A small room with Omni-Tek propaganda on the walls. A small desk with an NPC seated like a receptionist that greets the player after moving with a popup quest box. A single door leading out to an Omni Training Facility.

    Interaction with the Omni-Tek training NPC: The NPC will introduce the player to the current situation on Rubika politically. The NPC would then introduce the player to the various Omni-tek divisions: Omni-Pol, Omni-Trans, Omni-Med, Omni-Mining, etc with a brief overview on each that can be selected and read before choosing a path. After introducing the player to these divisions they would be given a choice of which to enroll with (this is important for new quests & profession quests to be added to the game for the levels 1-200). After the player makes their selection they are given a new employee kit with starting items that reflect their choice. Examples: Omni-med social back item(robe), Omni-Pol social back item(armor), Omni-Mining Social back item (armor), etc, along with their first set of profession specific newbie items. The NPC would then give them a key to the door behind them with a quest to complete basic training.

    Basic Training Overview:

    Overview: I will use two examples, Doctors (Omni-Med) and Soldier (Clan-Sentinels).

    Part 1 - Depending on the profession/department choice (either or both?) a unique instance would be generated fitting their selection (If you recall in the randomly generated RK missions there are several rooms totally fitting to this entire sequence that could be used without any new asset creation).

    Part 2

    Doctors would be given a med lab stylized room which would give them a crash course in healing and using init buffs/debuffs as well as HoTs & DoTs in a series of progressing steps accessible by passing and getting the key to the next room. This NPC would show them their Skills window and explain IP spending and point out the most important attributes to IP for their profession. Base stats, Comp Lit, Treatment, <profession specific nanolines>, <typical weapon stats + specials>, <appropriate Initiatives>, <appropriate evades if relavent to the profession>. It would explain that you can use nanokits/stims to regain lost HP/Nano as well as how to use them. (after selecting a department they would become level 2)

    The first room: The purpose of this room would introduce them to healing. Several dying patients would be on med lab tables who have DoT's on them that last a particular duration. Their quest would be to keep say "5" patients alive. The NPC would instruct them on how to locate their NCU Programs window, find their HoTs and their Healing nanos as well as how to place them in the bar, target and cast. After keeping the five patients alive (note five others is typical for a team hence the selection of this number) through the DoT effects they are rewarded with some Victory Points, XP (move them to level 3), Money, one or more pieces of profession specific armor, one or more profesion specific implant(s), and a new low level nano used in the next segment.

    The second room: The purpose of this room would be to introduce them to Initiatives debuffs. This room could have an NPC Omni-Pol guard in it who are being fired on by a group of turrets. They would be asked to debuff the Turrets with their nano to see the effects of inits on attack speed. After successfully debuffing all of the turrets (3-5?) they would be given their quest reward of VP, XP (move to level 4), Money, New armor pieces, New implants, new nano, along with a new quest and key to the next door.

    The third room: The purpose of this room would be to introduce them to their DoTs. They would be presented with a group of low HP NPC's "robot droids" which do not attack but have low NR to easily land DoTs. After landing their DoT on each of the droids they would be given their reward of VP, XP (move to level 5), Money, New armors, New implants, New nano, along with a new quest, key to the next door and a weapon.

    The fourth room: The purpose of this room would be to introduce the player to combat mechanics. There would be an NPC in the room which would explain their weapon specials to them and the later importance of perks (hint hint tease froobs here). They would have a few droids to kill for the quest reward of VP, XP, their final armor pieces giving them a complete set of basic starter armor that has very low but simple buffs to their profession specific stats, (BM/MC/Inits/-%nanocost, etc. Nothing too OP just enough to give them the idea of what stats on armor are important to their profession and to be looking for in the future), their starter Computer Deck, NCU memories, and a simple HUD item (Nano/range meter, or something similar) a quest and the key to the final room.

    The fifth and final room: The purpose of this room would introduce the person to using their computer deck, ncu memories, HUD items and how to use a surgery clinic (located in the final room with them at this point) to install implants. They would be rewarded with a token board with their very first side token (boosted to give a lvl 1 board immediately so advantages can be seen on them, many newbies delete it and I have heard of them deleting tokens too because they don't understand what they are/do) and instructed to use it by right clicking it, then telling them to target themselves and hit "t" to see their current information.

    Final moments of Newbie land: They are then congradulated on their completion of orientation and then given a quest to inspect the subways and arrive infront of the subways after exiting this last room. At the door of the subway will be a quest giver that the last quest pointed them too. This person will give them some baby quests to upgrade their newbie items they just received in the orientation for hunting in the subways.

    {Whew that was a huge one need to take a short break but want this saved.. come back for more later}

  9. #149
    Quote Originally Posted by Means View Post
    I had hopes this week for us being able to share the plans for ALL perks and actions accross all professions this week. Unfortunately it isn't going to happen as we really feel we need to make the ENTIRE plan concerning research, perks, nanos and other changes available at the same time or the changes to perks will only be taken out of context...and a source of MORE questions and argument as opposed to LESS. There are still some details we are fighting about...if we can't agree yet it isn't ready.

    A good example of additional changes not contained with in perks would be PARRY and RIPOSTE.

    One of the downsides of working on a project for as long as I have is that sometimes you can get "stuck" in the old way of thinking. The previous attempts at implementing parry and riposte actions in the past had been unsuccessful for many the idea of resurrecting this old code had always been a firm "no" in my book for good reason. This brings us to the value of having such a good team working on AO. Kintaii (unlike myself) did not see this as a lost cause and continued to work on acceptable solutions to these unused skills and has put together with the rest of the team a good alternative to the old systems for Parry and Riposte that will allow us to bypass all the "old" reasons for not activating these actions. So here is the basics of what we can expect from Parry and Riposte in the larger effort of balancing/renewing that we are currently working on:

    Parry and Riposte

    A free full IP Reset will of course come with these changes. The addition of Parry and Riposte actions will come along at the same time as the changes to perks and nanos.


    General duration will be 10 seconds.
    Based on your Parry skill (and having a martial arts/melee weapon equipped) you will acquire a new action (like Backstab) that enables you to parry/block both regular and special attacks for the duration of the action. As your skill in Parry increases, your chances to negate damage from regular and special attacks during the active time of the Parry action increases. As your Parry skill increases the cooldown of this action will also decrease. The Parry action will always negate the damage of at least one attack…how many additional attacks are parried will entirely depend on your skill.


    Riposte is an active melee/martial arts action that will do damage based on your Riposte skill. A Riposte is a quick counter-attack based on a temporary opening offered by an off-balance attack by your opponent. An attack by your opponent will “activate” your Riposte ability giving you a short window of time to use it to inflict additional damage on an in-range target. This will not be a “huge” damage special but more of an active combat action that is available often during the course of regular combat. Individual player skill in taking advantage of this action will be a significant factor in how effective it can be.

    In-Game Mail:

    This week was a milestone for AO. We got to see the huge moment where the first mail (with an ITEM!) was sent and received by another player. The first item sent was the iconic foam-finger that Macrosun uses as his head on TestLive. Go Macrosun! ...and yes...I am a horrible boss...please come back to work on Monday. Screenshot complete with coder-graphics is below!

    New Engine

    Thank you all for the feedback concerning the appearance of the first screenshots with the new engine. We will be sure to turn on a lot of the expected features (filtering etc) in the next set. You all drew attention to some areas we may not have thought thanks again.

    Have a great weekend everyone!
    More from the big list getting fixed! Nice n stuff. Rawr!

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