What is this forum for?

Prior to the patch going live this forum is for discussing topics directly related to 17.8 preview. Any other topics will be moved to the appropriate location or removed / locked as appropriate.

Discussion should be kept to a single thread on any given subject and any subsequent posts on a topic already with open threads will be merged in together or removed / locked as appropriate. Topics already covered in the pre-release threads should be continued in the archive and general chat area not on this forum, please keep this area clear for reporting of issues rather then general discussion.

What is this forum NOT for?

Reporting any bugs or issues that are not directly related to this update series. Bugs should always be reported via email to bugs@anarchy-online.com .

'Bumping' threads, any 'bump' posts will be removed from threads on this forum. If you dont have any further details to add to a report please do not 'bump' threads or 'sign' threads.

Making any game suggestions not directly related to the contents of the patch series. This includes posts like 'please out XXX into 17.4 those posts should be made in the Game Suggestions forum or emailed to feedback@anarchy-online.com