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Thread: Why do you play AO?

  1. #1

    Why do you play AO?

    So why do you play? So many threads about ppl leaving, but actually I have the impression that there are even more new players, and old ones returning!
    There are several MMOs that I tried, but I always got drawn back to AO why?

    + The requirements on items, other than lvl do make a lot of a difference. There are not clones everywhere, and with some work you can actually improve your char (twink)
    + The scifi setting just appeals to me
    + Huge open raids- just epic anarchic battles (tara- rly like that)
    + Nerdy looks- a trox in a pink tutu? lool
    + Dare to be special- Things work differently than in other mmos- thats really good!
    + No tunnel world design- Horrible to me is too much of a red ribbon in a game, where you start at point A, and are routed through missions to point B, C ... , end content, like on a conveyor belt.

    + A lot fewer trolls than in other mmos- yes rly, you can actually get useful replies other than - "use google" or
    "if you dont know that by now I wont tell you"
    + Quite steady number of people coming and going- but coming again!!!

    What you can also see is other mmos not existing anymore after a few years. Why? Because they are not special. They are just clones of some strange game starting with "W". Why play a clone when there is the original?

    Conclusion- AO please stay special, please dont be drawn too much to the mainstream mmo design "template".

  2. #2
    I play this game because I am attracted to MMO gaming and this game has the content available that I like (though it is very quickly degrading). However, I don't have loyalties to any company. I absolutely hate the incompetence of Funcom.

    I've tried several trials of other MMO's and most is themepark crap. There are a few MMO's that catch my interest: EvE Online, Star Wars Galaxies, Fallen Earth, and Earthrise.

    EvE Online - I **almost** switched to this game recently, and it has a very good chance of a possible switch soon enough. It is a brain game like AO, regardless of what some of the elitists suggest. The only thing I didn't care for in there was that it was a little slow and that you couldn't walk around inside space stations/planets.

    Star Wars Galaxies - I would be playing this right now if they had not decided to close down their doors at the end of this year. I tried the trial a few months ago and it was many of the things I wished AO would be and better. I always thought after the crap upgrade that SWG went downhill.....I was totally wrong.

    Fallen Earth - Strong potential, though I don't particularly care for the wild west theme.

    Earthrise - Still waiting for the free trial. I almost bought it when they dropped the price to $30, but the recent reviews still have me concerned. If they get their game together, it will be AO2 done the right way - and probably sooner than FC gets that mythical engine out.

    AO - Content variety is awesome but the developers keep doing "WTF" things to it and are not concerned about bringing new players in. They would rather cater to the exploiting endgamers than to fix this game right. As a result, unless they change their attitude, it's not looking good for me with AO.
    The community in AO is ify though. Much of the time, it's just some spammer that can't type "looking for" properly. You get ignored half the time in OOC, and that is in the populated zones. You don't hardly ever see more than a 3-5 people on LFG at the lower levels (during the week). If there are new players, it's froobs and so it won't matter to me as I don't play foremans/subway/totw/etc, though I do play team missions at TL4-5.

    Maybe this should enlighten you to why people are leaving and why some stay though.

  3. #3
    I play AO as it's my first MMO and I don't want to get addicted to another MMO.
    Manicmouse AR SMGs - 220/30 Clan Solitus Soldier - General of New Order
    Lawmaker Pistols - 220/30 Clan Atrox Bureaucrat | Sellyoursoul Shotgun - 220/30 Clan Nanomage Trader
    Adiee Pistols - 220/30 Clan Solitus Doctor | Boltcutter MA - 220/30 Clan Atrox Engineer | Anorexia - 220/30 Clan Nanomage Enforcer

    Lazy: the caste system of ao today is clan > omni > wildlife > neuts.

    Gatester: Crats have the best toolset for supporting a team in PVE.
    Aramsunat: WRONG! The team supports the crat if the crat is unable to solo (which is rare)!

  4. #4
    Because it's the first MMO I played and none I've tried since have had this blend of features. Then theres the oldschool aspect of not being a themepark but more an attempt at building a believable world.
    Thor Mastablasta Hammersmith - Level 220, AI 30, LE 70 Clan Atrox Nano Technician - Setup
    The Red Brotherhood

    I'm a Nano-Technician, don't ever expect me to fight unbuffed, alone or fair.

    Means: about f'ing time :P
    Satenia: heresy <3
    Znore: Mastablasta <3
    Kinkstaah: I have agro from many mobs ;(
    Madarab: we are aoe class, we are supose to use pistols
    Marxgorm: the NT toolset does not fit into my raiding tactics

  5. #5
    I play AO for many reasons,

    1) It was my first MMO
    2) The amount of things to do - if you get bored theres tonnes of social stuff that other games don't offer.
    3) The story is awesome
    4) The way you can be involved in Events unlike other games.
    Officer "Agentcora" Geers - Permakilled </3
    Administrator "Navarl" - OT-OC Administator
    Sheriff Dalten "Basley" Rooster - Omni-Pol
    Fylakas "Aggelos" - Shadowlands Resident
    Janice "Gowski"- IRRK Reporter
    Join Omni-Pol today!

    AO Universe Reporter | Editor News Reporter | OT-OC Administator

  6. #6
    Why I play AO:
    * The Community is a big reason, I have met a ton of wonderful people in my years here.
    * Helping others, no other game allows me to give as much help to newer players as AO does.
    * Game Systems, often when I play games it's because of the systems, gfx and story doesn't keep me in a game, those fixes I get at other locations.
    * Customization, the ability to create characters that fits my playstyle is a huge bonus :P
    * The World, it surely has a unique feel to it, I don't roleplay, but going on adventures with new players is a ton of fun
    * Long time player, I would be lying if I said that having been here for such a long time isn't one of the reasons. Having spent so much time in Anarchy Online makes it even harder to find another game that I like.
    General of Horizon. Member of Unity. Frequent visitor of Free Spirits and The Last Element.

    Nave [ 220 Solitus Fixer ] Qien [ 220 Solitus Engineer ] Navezero [ 200 Solitus Soldier ]
    [ 150 Opifex Agent ] Midriff [ 60 Atrox Soldier ] Lowriff [ 30 Atrox Keeper ]

    Also: Giant horde of alts.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Agentcora View Post
    I play AO for many reasons,

    1) It was my first MMO
    2) The amount of things to do - if you get bored theres tonnes of social stuff that other games don't offer.
    3) The story is awesome
    4) The way you can be involved in Events unlike other games.

    Plus when I first started, the community was much larger.
    "When life knocks you on your butt, you have to get back up and punch it in the face." --DJ Ashval of GSP

    Nullified "Bitbucket" Deadcode - 220/25 Neut NanoMage Engi
    Bits10 - 150/14 Clan Opifex Trader

  8. #8
    I've tried many different games over the years but ultimately it has always come down to three things:

    - No other game has twinking on the same level as Anarchy Online

    - I go with the old philosophy of "Sticking with the a-holes I know rather than the a-holes I don't". I have a long laundry list of issues with AO but at the same time it is always familiar. I play games for entertainment.. usually as a mini-escape from the stress and strain of RL and AO, for the most part, serves that purpose.

    - I actually think the Dev team cares about the game. Even though I complain and constantly comment on communication failures (really wish they'd stop adding fuel to the fire all of the time) I charge it to poor business etiquette (no offense) and not against the intentions of the people doing the communicating. I do actually believe that the Dev team is doing all they can to make this a better game.. using the limited resources they have available. And honestly, it is their ability to give this a 'family style' feel that I both love and hate (when it results in poor communication or mis-information).
    Last edited by Traderjill; Jul 23rd, 2011 at 01:26:48.
    You can find me at:
    Battlenet @ Marilata#1680
    Steam @

  9. #9
    I kept playing because AO "felt like home" to me.

    I'm not sure why I felt this way about AO but not about any other game. It could be because AO was the first real MMORPG I ever played (technically the second but I don't consider Ultima Online to be a "real" MMORPG, it's more of a graphical shell over an old DIKU MUD). Maybe it was because AO was the only game where I actually made an effort to make friends and cultivate long term relationships. Maybe it's because I have played AO more than all over MMORPGs combined. Either way, AO was my home away from home for many years and I do miss it. I only wish it were playable again :/

  10. #10
    Basically I haven't played in a while, but right now im bed ridden for several weeks so AO forums seems like a fun place to check out because I really do want to go back to playing AO. But they messed it up too bad over time

    *Stats system \ twinking \ variety in items and stuff. Ruined over time, I used to dream about having a Corpsidal corpse cutter but then Chef Cleavers came and then Alien weapons.. If this game had the same kind of variety now as it did in 2004 it would still be the best game around.

    *Wandering, basically I love just taking my Yalm out looking for a dynaboss to kill. It's a chill way to spend your time and the rewards can be great *Ruined since 2005?*

    *SL Dynas drops, loved just farting around Ely and getting them. Making some good money now and then, grabbing a random ql 220 novic

    *Kiting, yep, i love that too.

    *That time back in 2002-2003 when my account got banned, 3000 points of rifle on a level 1 char wearing an x-3. *accident* and no, didnt ban evade talked to funcom before I came back.

    Team play initiative, like, you can make a char that can solo anything but with the additional team XP bonus teaming is just the natural way to go.

    *No ****ing questquestquest ****. Freedom, anarchy, do what you want and level up. Figure your own way. I still know about leveling spots that I've never seen anyone else use that give record breaking XP and have near instant respawns.

    If they buffed each and every weapon to a competative state instead of streamlining people in to chef cleavers \ chiropteras and perennium weapons this game would be back at the top no doubt about it. At least on my list

    And add some real dyna drops and leveling spots in Scheol.
    Last edited by catdog; Jul 23rd, 2011 at 10:26:34.

  11. #11
    -Just started playing again...though i never deactivated my account so it was pleasing to see a hefty amount of vet points.

    I use to play because of the community. It was enhanced by being able to meet with some of the good ole SoS members and the ARKs at DragonCon several years back.

    Now that I have returned, there are very very few familiar faces. Other than Sanqq and PBF...I haven't seen the old gang around.

    So I continue to play to keep out city paid, and hope that with the new engine it will lure my friends to RK once again.
    Quote Originally Posted by howlin
    On a bright side, I just logged my shade today to put a new dress on
    Vendor 'o Spirits
    Give shades

  12. #12
    Aside from being my first mmo, I've always liked the unique skill system and so many ways to customize your character. Even though people tend to gravitate towards a certain cookie cutter setup, it's pretty unique that you can make a lot of equipment and perk/ip choices.

    Also, my huge involvement into the community hasn't really let me go of AO. Even when i had times where I didn't play, I found myself discussing mechanics, ideas, and the whole "what if x was done this way", to friends, either out of game, or ingame via relay chat.
    220/30 - Spartanx9. Back for a good while.

    Quote Originally Posted by Haquihana
    Haquihana: And Spartanx9, I dont usually spend much time in the soldier forums.. you all don't make enough rucus (NOTE: this is not a message of approval to go cause unjust trouble)
    Sounds like i need to cause some trouble I kid i kid

  13. #13
    The 2 main reasons people say seem to be the community and the complex skill system/item database of the game. It's not exactly very attractive to new players as it is, so it would be completely pointless for FC to try and get new players into the game in its current state because 90% of them leave after a few hours/weeks
    They are working towards a much more enjoyable experience for newcomers while at the same time making high level gameplay more enjoyable. But i'm not going to go too much into that cos it's off topic

    Whether or not it is too late to revive AO I don't know, we'll just have to see..

    I recently reactivated cos of the free 14 day offer I saw, it happened to coincide with the 10 year anniversary events, and it was quite fun to see people celebrating the game etc. Also although the population is way lower than it was when I started, my org has significantly grown so there are still enough people around to have fun with, and almost everyone is nice.

    Whether i continue playing in the long term (i.e. past the summer break from uni) or not will depend entirely on the progress of the massive changes that were announced years ago. I want proof from fc that they are actually intending to implement these changes and it's not just false hope in a desperate attempt to keep players in the game.
    Last edited by Nnivekccub; Jul 25th, 2011 at 20:38:32.
    Nnivekccub lvl 220 Engineer
    Mongoose831 lvl 175+ leveling Agent
    Mongoose144 lvl 126 Agent
    Atheist tl4 leveling doc
    Platypus135 tl4 leveling sold

  14. #14
    Why do I play AO? It's fun. I don't need any other reason
    RK1 - Atlantean
    Lise "Gimpeline" Everwhite - Omni - Level 220/30/70 Martial artist
    Rudolph "Nissemann" Juhl - Omni- Level 220/30/70 Engineer
    Mary "Gimpa" Wormwood 2xx/30/xx Advy R.U.R
    Josephine "Gimpyposer" Dredd 21x/30/70 mp Omni-Pol
    Jarwar 2xx/30/xx Crat Wanderers Sanctuary
    Proud member of Leet Protection Agency

  15. #15
    Why do I play? Firstly: it's fun. Also: the humour! Statue of The Goddess Summers? The Sid Armour description (with the way subtle ref to the Britis Gas share floatation ads from the early 80s)? Being a leet making you a small furry animal? Too many to list. And: the equipment. Hacking things, splicing then together. Cooking up good stuff feels like you've made something. As well as: the community. So it's dwindled but most of those left are usually okay to ask advice/help from and I try to help those who need it when I can. Then: implants. So many ways to boost/trim/tweak your stats, even just for a tricky tradeskill job. Lastly: flying about, finding a Dyna, killing and looting it, finding you finally got that thing you've spent ages trying to get, and celebrating by dancing the YMCA some GSP tunes.
    I'm a Froob Neutral Trade Skilling Nanomage Engineer- by definition I hide round corners and let the bot do the fighting.

  16. #16
    Think Ive said community to this for a long time, but at least in-game community seems to be getting smaller and less in touch with each other. Might be just me tho. But it used to be big thing to keep playing.

    I still enjoy twinking and bigger raids with some social aspect, and that keeps me going, tho not as much as it has been before. And I just can't let the organizations I've built, small as they are, to fall I guess =p
    Mireiawen Rose, 215/30/70 neut fixer, setup RK2
    Mireiwen Rose, 220/27/62 neut MA trader/tradeskiller, setup RK2
    Miraiwen Rose, 220/30/70 neut SMG soldier, setup RK2
    Miraeawen Rose, 220/27/70 neut MP, setup RK2
    Mireiaieawen Rose, 220/30/69 neut tank, RK2
    +bunch of others in Rose family...

    President of Neutral Warriors | Neutnet mod |

    Got superior pewpew or nerfbat? But it looks ugly, or you are just plain bored with everyone going around with same? Bump for Weapon Remodeling and get your unique looks!

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Cogline View Post
    Why do I play? Firstly: it's fun. Also: the humour! Statue of The Goddess Summers? The Sid Armour description (with the way subtle ref to the Britis Gas share floatation ads from the early 80s)? Being a leet making you a small furry animal?
    I have that statue cos I'm that oldschool hehe

    I have a bunch of pictures from the 10yr anniversary party that I need to sort thru too, I went on holiday to australia late last year too and need to do those too still haha
    -aka Xolaz, Omni-Tek InternOps [double-]Agent est. 2001 (as Xola, *no longer have login*), RK1 (Xola on RK2)
    -Lillitu, Nanotrix, RK1

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Agentcora View Post
    I play AO for many reasons,

    1) It was my first MMO
    2) The amount of things to do - if you get bored theres tonnes of social stuff that other games don't offer.
    3) The story is awesome
    4) The way you can be involved in Events unlike other games.

    Coincidentally, I also am also on hiatus until the status of these things changes to a point where I feel comfy again.
    Towerblock, 220/30/70 Engineer
    President of Steadfast

    And way too many alts...

  19. #19
    AO is a really special game. Like many others, I've tried several other MMORPG's over the years, and there's nothing quite like AO out there. Twinking doesn't mean anything to any other game like it does to AO. In AO, you can make your toon more powerful than you can imagine if you know what you're doing, or you can gimp it beyond repair. And learning how to get the most out of your toon's abilities, and the trial and error involved sometimes, is not just a part of the game, but a rewarding experience because you're using your brain! I like that AO makes me think. And it makes me think HARD sometimes.

    In spite of the outdated graphics, there are areas in AO that still take my breath away. I love some of the vistas in Elysium and the crazy rocks flying through the sky in Pandemonium. The swamps of Belial Forest and the waterfalls scattered around Rubi Ka... it may not be the prettiest out there, but combined with the mechanics of the world they're in, they're beautiful to me in ways that other games are not.

    But most importantly, I'm one of those who will always say the community is what makes the game. Sure, there will always be trolls wherever you connect with other people online, but within AO there are far more lovers than haters from my experience. Obviously I'm very involved in the social side of AO. I'm the Director of our in-game radio station and we have incredible parties every day of the week. We get to see a great group of our friends at our shows, and we're usually lucky enough to make some new friends at them too. If you don't know about us, check out GridStream Productions (GSP) at If you're sitting around waiting for an inf team, you may as well do it at a fun party and make some new friends.

    And of course, there are enough of us left in AO that love this game so much that we're able to hold the first ever AO Con, presented by GridStream Productions. It's not going to be huge on any grand scale like Dragon Con or anything, but it's a weekend of partying and entertainment that's just for the people who love this game. It's in August and we've already gotten about 30 registrations, which is a bigger group already than many pessimists said we'd get. A friendly group of this size is going to have a great time getting to know each other and sharing our love for the game. You can check out for more info on that.

    Aside from shameless promotions... I'm a serious player of AO also, so between the social stuff and the hardcore gaming stuff, I couldn't imagine a richer gaming experience than what we have here. I love it and I'll never leave.
    DJ Sprkly
    Director - GridStream Productions
    Coordinator - AO Con 2012, presented by GridStream Productions

  20. #20
    Yeah the story, those opifex spiky butts, the empty streets. The memories, that are mostly just memories, recalling the old days like i was early at retirement house. Oh yeah, ****, i don't play anymore.

    But, FC, if you listen just merge RK1+RK2. That logistical part might take more resources than what is allocated anymore nowdays to AO. But longterm it will be great success when more population feeds to more population and AO gets even oldies coming back.

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