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Thread: Future of AO

  1. #1

    Future of AO

    Before adding ANY new content, please just spend 1 year fixing ALL long-term bugs.

    After playing for a year (yes, am a noob) I am sick of hearing about new content without old bugs being fixed.

    Why don't all existing nanos work as intended? Why can't fixers cast team run speed in SL? Etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc.

    I would LOVE to have playing players be FORCED to look at real billboards (already see fake ones, so what is the diff?) if it means fc FINALLY hired ppl to do the menial work of fixing bugs instead of just overly ambitious ppl who won't fix long-term bugs.

    I, just me personally, do NOT WANT new content -- I WANT all the BUGS fixed.

    And I am not talking about intelligent stuff like replecing keeper-specific parry/riposte mods with simple stuff like fast attack/melee init. I am talking about helping all players play as they were INTENDED to play over 1 year ago.

    Please, for the love of GOD, stop being so idealistic and just fix the things that have been broken for so long.

    I know it is fun to design new content, but we are sick of having bugged stuff in game while ppl focus on designing shiny new things; and if the new stuff ends up bugged, do we wait more than a year for that to get fixed too?

    Sick of Lack of Bug Fixes, a.k.a Felling Like he Bought a Microsoft Product ("Oh yay! Paperclip guy > fixing bugs!")

    Fluffer - 220 Keeper

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by Fluffer
    Why can't fixers cast team run speed in SL?

    Fixers cant cast one of their dodge-ranged buff tho....Never worked for over than year

  3. #3
    AO survival = constant influx of Paying customers, I was one but got sick of the replies along the lines of

    • no you cant use that FC never fixed it
    • oh that bug yeah been here since beta

    so canceled my account. I am not paying for bugs to be present after 2 too 3 years when they are constantly adding new content and bugs with that new content, but not fixing the old bugs or content that should be removed/changed.

    MMORPG's have a higher customer happy feeling requiremnt, we pay for it so keep the paying customer happy and they will stay, dont and you loose income and guess what income = pay, do FC want a job or not?

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