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Thread: Possible addition of "Mission Size" Slider bar when selecting mission?

  1. #1

    Possible addition of "Mission Size" Slider bar when selecting mission?

    I think title says it all?.....Is this a possibility?

  2. #2


    And add a mission placement slider as well, or something like it.

  3. #3
    bump...tired of tiny missions with no mobs so no token, or huge missions with no end.
    General Hershel "Kasimir" Jurik

    President of Division 9 R.S.G.E


    Braumiester of the Pagan Bartenders, wielder of dual SSo8s

    Stealer of hearts, creds, and anything not nailed down!

  4. #4
    Size mission slider... Mmmmm... After the augmentation of token each mission, token farming will be too much easy.
    1000 tokens must be really difficult to achieve!
    This will alter too much the game

    Otherwise "Placement slider" can really be usefull . Generaly people only reroll 10 times the mission to be sure to have the right location... BUT who will be go in Southern Foul hills if you can pick up a mission at newland booth for the "City of Home".
    Not a good idea either...

    AOMD is by the way the answer for you for location . So no need to implement it.
    Rey Ashblead Peasley, Fixer on RK2, Main character, puller and bank for alts

    If you have any message, please pm me or contact Ashblead ingame.

  5. #5

    This is a great idea. Or at least make it so the tiny missions are very close and the huge ones are far away, so you don't have to spend hours running all the way out to the middle of nowhere for a 4-room mission with 2 monsters. Talk about a waste of time. :-P

  6. #6


    My last mission was very funny. Very big and a lot of chests, but only one lonly green MOB in a room far inside (probably hoping I would leave without finding him).

    Got a lot of free loot, but no token.

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